The aim of any roulette strategy is to achieve solid profits in the long run. Many players prefer roulette casino sites or even specialized mobile roulette sites to practice their strategies online.
A roulette strategy is a defined ruleset including the plan what to do in cases of win and loss while playing roulette. Most roulette strategies are based on probability assumptions about the bignum. For players in specific regions, such as those seeking Pennsylvanian roulette sites, understanding the legal framework is equally important.
Strategies with loss progression try to compensate any previously collected losses through increasing the stakes in the following round.
Strategies have different progressions, such as flat and steep progressions. The Martingale system is a steep progression since the previous bet is doubled after a loss. This quickly leads to large amounts and can bankrupt the player in a short time. The Paroli strategy is also a steep progression, but it does not necessarily involve risking large amounts because bets are only doubled after a win.
Legal Situation while playing roulette strategies
The legal situation for applying or playing a roulette strategy in a casino can be different depending on the house rules of the casino. In fact playing a strategy based on probability theory is nowhere a problem. It is up to the players to try out their personal betting strategy. If a player loses all his cash, the casino won't give a tear, nor the player needs to feel bad if he wins. More problematic is it when the player wants to use technical aids brought into the casino. Here, the game master may prohibit the usage of external technology. Some casinos even go so far as to X-ray her guests at the entrance, to determine whether they have technical instruments in their luggage. An example of an illegal roulette strategy is stealing chips from another player... 8)
Read more about popular roulette strategies:
Martingale Roulette Strategy
Paroli Roulette Strategy
Alembert Roulette Strategy