Roulette Rules

Winning Chances and Probabilities in Roulette

 Bets in Roulette Payouts Probability
european / american
Straight Bet 1 Number
Straight Bet
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1 : 35 1 : 37 = 2.7%
1 : 38 = 2.6%
Split Bet 2 Numbers
Split Bet
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1 : 17 2 : 37 = 5.4%
2 : 38 = 5.3%
Street Bet 3 Numbers
Street Bet
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1 : 11 3 : 37 = 8.1%
3 : 38 = 7.9%
Square Bet 4 Numbers
Square Bet
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1 : 8 4 : 37 = 10.8%
4 : 38 = 10.5%
Basket Bet 5 Numbers
Basket Bet
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1 : 6 5 : 37 = 13.5%
5 : 38 = 13.2%
Double Street Bet 6 Numbers
Double Street Bet
read more
1 : 5 6 : 37 = 16.2%
6 : 38 = 15.8%
Dozens, Columns 12 Numbers
Dozens, Columns
read more
1 : 2 12 : 37 = 32.4%
12 : 38 = 31.6%
Simple Chances 18 Numbers
Simple Chances
Red / Black
Even / Odd
1-18 / 19-36
read more
1 : 1 18 : 37 = 48.7%
18 : 38 = 47.4%

In addition to the payouts, you get back your original bet amount.
amount * quota + amount

The roulette desk usually imposes minimum and maximum bets. Players can continue to place bets as the ball spins around the wheel until the dealer announces "no more bets" or "rien ne va plus".

The payout ratio for a bet depends on its probability. A probability of 100 percent means the safe arrival of an event, and a value of 0, the safe lack of an event. In roulette the payout ratio increases proportionally with decreasing probability. In other words: the the lower the probability, the higher the payout.

If you want to know the percentage probability of a bet type in roulette you simply need to calculate this:
Probability of 1 Number is: 1: 37 * 100 = 2.7% in european and 1: 38 * 100 = 2.6% in american roulette.
If 2 Numbers are played the winning probability is: 2 * 2.7% = 5.4% in european and 2 * 2.6% in american roulette.

American Roulette

The rules for american roulette differ from the european roulette rules mainly by "double zero" and by the number arrangement on the wheel and by the routines for simple chances in case that one of both zeros appears.

The payouts are the same in both variants. The numbers on the wheel are arranged in a different order compared to an european roulette wheel.

Double Zero: Since there are two green numbers on the wheel in american roulette, we have 38 different slots where the ball could potentially enter. While statistically in european roulette every 37 rounds zero appears, this happens every 19 spins in american roulette.

Simple Chances: If Zero was thrown in european roulette the simple chances will lose the half of the bet amount or become locked for the next round. In american roulette the simple chances often get fully lost if one of both zeros appear.

* an American Roulette wheel

Zero and Double Zero

double zero Zero is the "number of the bank", but you can bet on it as on any other straight bet, split bet or street bet. In case that zero is betted by the player as a straight it behaves like any other regular number on the table. Zero is the only number on the roulette wheel, that is neither red nor black, instead it's green. Zeros neither belong to a column nor to a dozen nor to one of the simple chances. Players who have betted on columns or dozens or simple chances will lose with the arrival of zero. The amounts on simple chances get halved or blocked ("en prison") for the next round (depending on the house rules). All amounts on dozens and columns get completely lost. In american roulette all bets on simple chances get lost entirely. The zero ensures the "house advantage" of the casino.
Double Zero is only present in american roulette. zero

1 Number / Straight Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Straight Bet 1 : 35 1 : 37 = 2.7%
1 : 38 = 2.6%

The Straight bet is also known as Plein or Single number bet. Statistically, each number appears once every 37 / 38 throws. If a hit appears sooner, e.g. in round 20, the player can appreciate a nice profit. But it's also not uncommon that a certain number will not occur in 200 rounds or even more and later it occurs multiple times in short intervals. This is described as tendency of series formation.

The payout for hitting a "Straight Bet" is:
amount * 35 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 1 piece:
1 * 35 + 1 = 36

2 Numbers / Split Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Split Bet 1 : 17 2 : 37 = 5.4%
2 : 38 = 5.3%

The Split bet is also known as Cheval. A Split bet is placed on the center line between two adjacent numbers. The probability to hit a Cheval is analogous to a bet on 2 straights

The payout for hitting a "Split Bet" is:
amount * 17 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 2 pieces:
2 * 17 + 2 = 36

3 Numbers / Street Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Street Bet 1 : 11 3 : 37 = 8.1%
3 : 38 = 7.9%

The Street bet bet is also known as Transversale Plein. A Stree bet is placed at the top or bottom of a row of 3 vertical adjacent numbers. An exception to this rule, are these two cases: 0,1,2 and 0,2,3. If the player hits a street, the bet amount is multiplied by factor 11 and paid out in addition to the original bet amount.

The payout for hitting a "Street Bet" is:
amount * 11 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 3 pieces:
3 * 11 + 3 = 36

4 Numbers / Square Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Square Bet 1 : 8 4 : 37 = 10.8%
4 : 38 = 10.5%

The Square bet bet is also known as Carre or Corner bet. It is a bet on 4 numbers, which are located in a square of 2 by 2. The bet will be placed on the center cross of the 4 numbers. If the player hits the square, the amount is multiplied with 8 and paid out along with the original bet amount.

The payout for hitting a "Square Bet" is:
amount * 8 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 4 pieces:
4 * 8 + 4 = 36

5 Numbers / Basket Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Basket Bet 1 : 6 5 : 37 = 13.5%
5 : 38 = 13.2%

There is only one Basket Bet. It involves the numbers 0, 00, 1, 2, 3 and only exists in American Roulette. If the player hits the basket, the amount is multiplied with 6 and paid out along with the original bet amount.

The payout for hitting a "Basket Bet" is:
amount * 6 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 5 pieces:
5 * 6 + 5 = 35

6 Numbers / Double Street Bet

Payouts Probability
european / american
Double Street Bet 1 : 5 6 : 37 = 16.2%
6 : 38 = 15.8%

The Double street bet is also known as Transversale simple or Six line. It covers 6 numbers. the bet is placed at the lower or upper end of the table between two vertical rows of 3 numbers. If one of the six numbers hits, the player gets paid 5 times of his wager in addition to the original amount of his bet.

The payout for hitting a "Double Street Bet" is:
amount * 5 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 6 pieces:
6 * 5 + 6 = 36

12 Numbers / Dozens, Columns

Payouts Probability
european / american
Dozens, Columns 1 : 2 12 : 37 = 32.4%
12 : 38 = 31.6%

Betting on Dozens or Columns is a bet on 12 numbers. This bet is also known as 1:2 bet. In case of win, the player gets the original bet amount back and additionally twice the bet amount. The roulette desk has 3 Dozens.
1st dozen: numbers between 1-12
2nd dozen: numbers between 13-24
3rd dozen: numbers between 25-36.

Columns: 1st column: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34
2dn column: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35.
3rd column: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36

The payout for hitting a "Dozens, Columns" is:
amount * 2 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 12 pieces:
12 * 2 + 12 = 36

18 Numbers / Simple Chances
Red / Black
Even / Odd
1-18 / 19-36

Payouts Probability
european / american
Simple Chances 1 : 1 18 : 37 = 48.7%
18 : 38 = 47.4%

Simple Chances are also known as 1:1 or 50:50 bets. All bets on Red, Black, Even, Odd, or Manque (low numbers 1-18) and Passe (high numbers 19-36) belong to the Simple Chances. In the event of winning the amount is multiplied by factor 1, and paid in addition to the original amount.
The simple chances in roulette are very popular among most players.

If the player bets on a Simple Chance and zero or double zero appears, the amount is halfed and returned to the player, or blocked for the next round. This may differ from casino to casino and is published in the house rules on various roulette casinos.

The Simple Chances are very popular for a number of different roulette strategies. For differences in Simple chances you may also read American roulette.

The payout for hitting a "Simple Chances" is:
amount * 1 + original amount (which you get back)

with a bet of 18 pieces:
18 * 1 + 18 = 36

Croupier / dealer

The Croupier aka Dealer is a casino employee who manages the following tasks at the game operation:
* throwing the ball
* accepting the wagers
* pay out the winnings

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